Health Coaching
What is Health Coaching?
Have you ever been under the guidance of a coach? Soccer coach, swim coach, running coach, business coach? There are many kinds of coaches. Chances are you have been coached at a sport or craft sometime in your life…most likely multiple times. A coach is someone who has been on the playing field, they know the strategies and can see the hurdles. They tell you how high to jump and which way to zig and zag to get to the goal line. A Health Coach isn’t that different than any other coach. You might be feeling overwhelmed with decisions that have an impact on your health…what diet should I follow. My friend said the “x” diet worked for him…will it work for me too? What about the fatigue I’m feeling and sluggishness? What can I do about the slow weight gain that is creeping up on me? There are many health issues that we are faced with on a daily basis.
Navigating the playing field is what a coach is there for. I have your best interest at heart. No conditions, just pure support, and accountability for you to reach your desired goal. What is it you desire? Together we will uncover what’s been stopping you from that desire. Together we’ll develop a powerful vision for what looking and feeling great looks like for you. Together we’ll set the foundation for building great health so you aren’t plagued again and again with the same old fears. You’ll know what to do for good health and how to do it and it will feel like a natural way of life.
One-on-one coaching focuses on the four pillars of health…
- MOVE – This includes all things that affect the physical movement of the body; exercise, strength training, asana practices, alignment, and in general finding out what makes your body happy!
- BREATHE – Breathing techniques can affect the way you feel, can oxygenate the blood, can release tension & stress, and can provoke energy when needed.
- LIVE – This is the lifestyle pillar. How you sleep, what you eat, and what you read and see on a daily basis is called “Lifestyle”. Are your choices here in alignment with your goals? This is key to getting what you want. We’ve got you covered in this category!
- BE – In a nutshell, be YOU unapologetically. What does that mean? It means to be accountable for yourself and no one else. No people pleasing to saying yes because you feel obligated. Really it is the art of just being you. Meditation is key to uncovering who you are really.

Do you need the support of a Health Coach?
Did you know that 92% of goals set for New Year’s don’t happen? You can turn that around with just two major inclusions…realistic, feeling-driven goals and accountability. As a Health Coach, I’m here to help you set wellness goals that are juicy, meaningful, realistic, and purposeful. I also offer accountability. Yep. You answer to me. Not your spouse, friend, cousin, mom, or aunt. Those systems are laced with guilt traps, conditional advice, “I told you so” scenarios, and plain old insubordination (on both ends). A coach, on the other hand, gives you a hand, and carries you through the toughest terrain. My support is unconditional. My ultimate goal is to help you make small shifts in your daily habits that can lead to a healthy lifestyle LONG TERM. No more fad dieting or feeling controlled by food. Together, we’ll get to the WHY behind the goal & what lies on the other side. Whether you want more energy, stress management strategies, mobility, exercise, or to balance hormones… I’ll be your guide and hold you accountable while cheering you on to your goal. Ultimately you are in control of your well-being, self love & happiness. Using a holistic approach, you’ll receive tools and tips for balancing mind, body, and spirit, in order to crush those goals you set.
Are you ready to take the steps towards better health?
I am passionate about wellness and getting you to your happiest, healthiest self. As a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Certified Yoga Therapist, and Energy Healer, I believe in using a holistic approach to find the underlying cause to health concerns. This means together, we look at all aspects of your life to create ultimate balance and wellbeing.
Using a bio-individual approach and Ayurvedic practices, I will guide you on your wellness journey and help you achieve your set goals. You will get in touch with your body’s specific needs and learn how to act intuitively based on those needs.
As your coach, I will hold a safe space for you and provide ongoing support and accountability. Together, we will create sustainable changes and I will help you form a lasting, healthy relationship with food, breath, mind, and movement. If you are ready to…
- Balance your hormones
- increase energy levels
- learn stress management skills
- dive deep into self-love and self-care
- set and reach goals that are real for you
- cultivate gratitude
- harness the power of your story

Together we look at Primary and Secondary Foods:
Primary Foods
What are they? Well, I’m not talking about proteins, fats, and carbs and I’m not going to debate about what proportions you should or should not be putting on your plate. Primary foods are habits, beliefs, events, and experiences that we take on daily that either nourish or diminish our prana (life force). I know that sounds “new age” but here’s the thing…how we do one thing is how we do everything. It’s a mindset. Maybe you are an assertive boss at your own company but that assertiveness in relationships takes a toll on your heart and blood pressure. Physically and mentally we are affected by our emotional outlook. This shows up in several areas of our life including…our physical activity, spirituality, relationships, career, creativity, home and social environment, etc. Primary foods aren’t foods at all in the sense that we don’t eat them but they refer, rather, to the other areas of our life that can affect our well-being. Looking at these areas can show patterns in our actions, which in turn can show patterns in our beliefs and the thoughts that contribute to them. It all starts with a thought. Our thoughts send powerful signals to the brain about how to react in certain situations. This can create chemical reactions in the body which either help or hinder our body’s healing power. For instance, two people experiencing the same flat tire on their way to work in a blizzard can have two entirely different reactions…one person is wondering “Why me? This always happens to me. What a mess, I’m going to be late…etc.” The signal to the body is distress and distrust. This turns off creativity and puts us in flight or fight mode. It’s nearly impossible to come up with a solution when we are already dooming ourselves to the plight of the situation. Imagine the second person with the same flat tire in the same blizzard. She is thinking, “WOW! I can’t believe I’m alive and didn’t cause a wreck on the highway. I’m so lucky and grateful not a single scratch on my car.” This feeling of gratitude opens the door for solutions to find their way easily into her brain. It’s the law of synchronicity. What we put our attention on we get more of.
What does this have to do with Health Coaching? Everything. When we are standing in the forest it’s hard to see the trees even a few 100 yards away. A health coach can bring a helicopter’s viewpoint into light and see where your thoughts and actions are inconsistent with where you want to go. Your next move may be just a few 100 yards away but if we move in the wrong direction it will take twice as long to get there. With some simple coaching and accountability, it’s doable and could, possibly, be EASY.

Secondary Foods
This is where the fork meets the plate. Secondary foods are what we choose to nourish and fuel our body with on a daily basis. More specifically, it’s what we choose to eat. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of diets out there. And at least 100,000x’s more books on the subject. So what is a person to do and how do you sort through all the diet mumbo jumbo? I believe in bio-individuality, eating clean, and finding balance for your body type and season. Should you be vegan? Vegetarian? Paleo? Keto? High Carb? Low carb? The answer is…there is no definitive answer. What is right for one person may be totally wrong for another. As your health coach, we will explore your own history of eating, how you feel about food, what triggers you may have, and then find ways to create a healthy relationship with good-tasting food that is right for YOU. No hype, no bullshit, no deprivation or starvation. What we will cover are some of the following…
- Initial consultation – this is a Health History session to uncover your unique story of health and wellness (and what you’d like to improve)
- Twelve weekly 60-minute sessions covering all the above and everything in between. (Longer plans are available if necessary)
- ongoing support via email between sessions
- handouts
- recipes
- supplement recommendations
- pantry/fridge makeover (optional possibility)
- grocery store navigating 101 (optional possibility)