Ayurveda / Chakra Attunement
October 26, 2024
All Day Retreat with Linda Black
Alpine, UT
Ayurveda teaches that the central principle of health is balance. Diet, exercise, sleep habits, hydration, thoughts, and seasons can bring harmony and health to oneself…but, they can also diminish vitality and bring dis-ease if too much or too little is applied at any given time or season.
At this retreat you will…
- learn your Ayurvedic constitution: (Kapha, Pitta, Vata)
- come to understand which shifts in lifestyle are best suited to bring about balance and vitality.
- come away with recipes for the season and an understanding of how we integrate with nature.
- learn what exercises are best for your constitution.
- experience an attunement of all 7 chakras.
We will cover the doshas, how to balance your vikriti (and what that means) through diet, exercise, and mindfulness. Learn the forces that cause imbalance in your system and how to diminish their effect and what will bring you back into balance. These are powerful tools to enhance your life, for life. Experience a mindful Ayurvedic balancing lunch. In the afternoon there will be a chakra attunement.
- mantra and mudra
- handouts
- a delicious lunch
Early Bird $148 before Oct 20th • $188 thereafter
All day or 1/2 day (same price)
9 hours CE
Linda Black
Linda is a Certified Yoga Instructor and has been teaching yoga classes since 2001. With over 1000 training hours and 4000 teaching hours, she has helped 1000’s of students align, tune-in, strengthen, reduce pain, lose weight, and live healthy. Her studies include training in Ayurveda, Restorative yoga practices, meditation, nutrition, business training, 200 and 500 hour teacher trainings with an additional 100 hour Immersion + 100 hour Teacher Training in Anusara Yoga. She owned and operated her own yoga studio for seven years. Her passion in the Corporate sector has brought yoga practices to many businesses in Salt Lake and Utah Counties.
The Yoga Barn
at Mountainville Winery

Please submit the following registration form with your payment. We look forward to seeing you October 26th!